2.6.0 - Introducing Elementor Plugin Generator 🥳
Generate a plugin for Elementor with this tool. It will create a plugin with a widget and a settings page. You can use it as a boilerplate for your next plugin.
2.5.0 - Introducing Cron Job Generator 🥳
Generate WordPress cron job code. Cron job is a scheduled task that runs on a specific interval. You can use this tool to generate cron job code for your WordPress plugin.
2.4.0 - Introducing Child Theme Generator 🥳
Generate a child theme for WordPress. This tool will generate a child theme for WordPress with the given parameters.
2.3.1 - "NEW" Badge for Newly Added Generators
Now you will see the new badge for generators recently added.
2.3.0 - Introducing Custom User Role Generator 🥳
The WordPress user role generator allows you to generate a custom user role for your WordPress website.
2.2.0 - Introducing Custom Hook Generator 🥳
The WordPress Hook Generator allows you to generate the code for WordPress hooks in a few clicks.
2.1.0 - Introducing Post Status Generator 🥳
WordPress Post Status Generator is a tool that helps you to generate custom post statuses for your WordPress projects.
2.0.2 - User Profile Fields
Fixed bug for User Profile Fields generator.
2.0.0 - Fully Updated 🥳
It has been redeveloped from scratch on the original version.
1.1.3 - Added "Buy Me a Coffee"
Added "Buy Me a Coffee" temporarily.
1.1.2 - Ads Added
Ads have been added so that the app can continue to be developed.
1.1.1 - Tag Input Updated
1.1.0 - Save Snippets
Added ability to save and edit outputs from generators
1.0.0 - Released for Free 🥳
Such a product has emerged to enable WordPress developers to develop faster and to save developers from complex php codes.